AeroTex GmbH is an aerospace engineering consultancy business which is focused on the issue of aircraft in-flight icing. We cover a majority of the issues which can be experienced including ice detection and protection, numerical analysis (unprotected ice shapes, heated systems, electromechanical systems), icing wind tunnel test campaigns and certification support. We also offer training courses covering a wide range of in-flight icing issues.
The Managing Director, Richard Moser, has been involved in aircraft icing for over 19 years, working on a wide range of projects, including fundamental research (Super-cooled Large Droplets, SLD), civil jet transports (Boeing 787) and rotorcraft (Merlin and Apache). He has been heavily involved in both the development and application of several icing codes (2D and 3D) and has taken part in many icing wind tunnel test campaigns, including acting as Trials Manager, in some of the world’s major icing test facilities. He has also participated in natural icing flight trials for the Merlin and Apache helicopters. Richard is recognised internationally within the aircraft icing world, having organised and chaired sessions for both AIAA and SAE conferences. He has been an independent aircraft icing consultant since 2007.

Role in the project
- AeroTex will develop scaling methods and test procedures for rotating components to allow representative accretions to be grown on sub-scale components
- Test procedures for adhesion, cohesion, durability and reliability will be defined
- Certification aspects of artificial ice shapes and coatings will be considered
- Improved roughness and heat transfer models will be developed
- Development of simulation models for electrothermal and hybrid ice protection systems will be performed
- Focus will be placed on industrialised simulation capability
- IPS layout for different wing sections will be determined using numerical methods
- AeroTex will perform the Trials Manager role for all planned IWT tests within the project