Austrian Institute of Technology
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH is Austria’s largest non-university research institute with more than 1250 employees and more than 50 years of experience in laboratory development, research and accredited testing. Among the European research institutes, AIT is a specialist in the key infrastructure topics of the future. AIT provides research and technological development to realise essential innovations for the next generation of infrastructure related technologies in the low-emission transport field. Unlike universities that are focusing on basic research and addressing short-term exploitation, AIT covers the entire spectrum from taking up emerging technologies, first proof of concepts, over applied research to transferring these emerging technologies into specific applications up to demonstrators and prototyping.
The AIT Center for Low-Emission Transport (AIT-LET) focuses on the development of safe, efficient and green mobility solutions. The unique feature is the holistic approach regarding the systemic contemplation of vehicle, transportation infrastructure and transportation systems. AIT works in very close collaboration with industry and customers from public institutions, increasing their benefit through innovation and new technologies. As a national and international network node at the interface of science and industry, AIT enables innovation through its scientific-technological expertise, market experience, tight customer relationships and high-quality research infrastructure. AIT has published several scientific papers on vehicle technologies in highly ranked, SCI listed journals. AIT Center for Low-Emission Transport has already coordinated and is partner in several national research and development projects as well as in running H2020 projects and formerly EU FP6 and FP7 projects and has therefore experienced personnel concerning the financial, scientific and administrative requirements of all project tasks.

Ice accretion simulation on aircraft wing

CAD model of the CleanSky2 InSPIRe IPS demonstrator
In recent years, the Competence Unit Electric Vehicle Technologies (EVT) has positioned itself as a recognised development centre for icing simulation methodologies and coordination of large-scale European projects. Its activities set within the national Take-Off programme, the H2020 Mobility for Growth and the CleanSky 2. The AIT-LET currently coordinates four CS2 projects, i.e. InSPIRe and TRIcEPS with Leonardo as topic manager, IMPACT with Airbus as topic manager, and SOLIFLY, a thematic topic project directly with the CleanSky JU.
Role in the project
- Development of snow simulation models and tools
- Development of improved simulation capabilities of electro-thermal and hybrid IPS and model validation
- Hybridizing the InSPIRe wing IPS demonstrator (electro-thermal and ice-phobic)
- Adaptation of the InSPIRe hybrid wing IPS demonstrator (electro-thermal and ice-phobic) for IWT testing
- Testing of the InSPIRe hybrid wing IPS demonstrator in RTA’s IWT