FH JOANNEUM is one of the largest Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria and has about 5000 students. The main campus is located in Graz. FH JOANNEUM offers more than 45 degree programs in a variety of areas including business, technology, design, media, architecture, health and social services. The programs are practice-oriented, project-based and interdisciplinary. The degree programs are associated based on their field to one of 25 institutes. Among these institutes is the Institute of Aviation which offers both a bachelor’s and master’s program, as well as a post-graduate master program.
Moreover, the Institute of Aviation participates in many different research and development projects, as state of the art R&D is a high priority at the university. In the working group “Aircraft Thermal Management” at the Institute of Aviation the main emphasis is put on R&D in the area of in-flight icing. In the course of a number of research projects related to aircraft icing, de-icing and anti-icing which were (and partly still are) carried out in collaboration with industry partners and other research organizations, the expertise and knowledge of the working group in aircraft icing could be expanded and deepened substantially over the past 12 years. An icing wind tunnel has been built up by FHJ, where down-scaled icing experiments at low expenses (as compared with large commercial icing wind tunnels such as RTA’s IWT) and with very high flexibility can be performed. At the same time also substantial expertise with respect to numerical in-flight icing simulation has been acquired. More specifically, an aircraft icing and anti-icing code based on ice accretion by the impact and sudden freezing of supercooled water droplets has been developed by the working group, and this code is subject to constant advancement. In fact, many of the most recent developments lie in the frontline of international R&D.
FH JOANNEUM is the project coordinator of JOICE and work package leader of WP 3 numerical methods. It is also leading the dissemination work package WP 5.

Role in the project
WP 1 – Project management
- FH JOANNEUM is managing the overall project in coordination with the project partners. It is responsible for project reporting and communication with the funding agency FFG. FH JOANNEUM acts as inteface to the advisory board members.
WP 2 – Experimental methods
- Testing of the functional demonstrator of the LWC/IWC measurement system at the FHJ icing wind tunnel.
- Testing of ice phobic properties of SLIPS coatings in FHJ’s icing wind tunnel.
- Support in the development of a procedure for areodynamic testing of artificial ice shapes.
WP 3 – Numerical methods
- Development of improved roughness and heat transfer coeffient (HTC) models.
- Development of improved wetting models.
- Improvement of simulation capabilities for electro-thermal and hybrid ice protection systems.
- Support in creating a test matrix for generation of 2D and 3D validation data.
WP 4 – Ice detection and ice protection systems
- Conduction of numercial ice protection system layout simulations.
- Testing of ice detection system in FHJ’s icing wind tunnel
WP 5 – Dissemination
- FH JOANNEUM is leading and coordinating dissemination activities within the consortium to increase awareness within the international scientifc community on improvements made within the project and inform, as well as update, internal and external stakeholders about the project progress.